Mental Health

Mental Health

Research project

RHEST, together with Dr Rajasee Sharma, mental health advisor for the trust with a team of other experts, have conducted a research in Langtang, Nepal, a rural mountain region of Nepal. The area was highly affected by a massive earthquake in 2015 which was followed by an avalanche which had a huge impact on the lives of the resident in the area. Research was conducted to evaluate the post traumatic disorder symptoms in this population. The results of the research was also presented in an international forum, i.e Royal College of Psychiatrist International Congress, 2023. 

Please find the link to the abstract submitted for the congress: Link

We will continue to carry out various other research programs so that mental health issues in our communities are identified and steps can be taken for their management.  

Our Activities

Community Mental Health program

We have successfully also conducted community mental health program in Kathmandu in affiliation with a homeless centre where we have provided mental health support to the resident in the centre who were various psychiatric disorder. Our work involved regular mental health assessment and reviews of the resident and providing advice on medication as well as providing advice to medical staff about various mental health issues including nursing staff and health assistant. 

Mental Health Training Program

RHEST, in collaboration with the Foundation of Just Society International (FJSI), organized a three-day mental health first aid workshop across various districts, benefiting over 80 girls. The initiative targeted the annual training of 125 girls from diverse regions such as Banke, Bardia, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Surkhet, Tanahu, Udaypur, Kavre Ramechap, and Makwanpur. Additionally, 15 staff members from the central office participated in the program to enhance their skills in mental health first aid.

The training was crucial because many women and girls are vulnerable to mental health issues due to factors like the impact of COVID-19, their marginalized socio-economic condition, and the gender-based discrimination and violence they face. Unfortunately, local health caregivers often lack the necessary training to recognize and address emotional difficulties effectively.

Mental health first aid training is like a toolkit that helps people spot early signs of mental illness and guide those in need toward appropriate support and resources. It's a standardized program designed to increase awareness about mental health issues, combat stigma, and improve overall mental health literacy. By providing this training, RHEST aimed to empower its Friday facilitators, and support teachers, alumni, and staff to better support the mental well-being of the communities they serve. We plan to continue the training program as part of our mental health promotion program.

Mental Health Resource Publication

The Rural Health and Education Service Trust (RHEST) has published a handbook titled "Adolescent Mental Health" with the main aim of enhancing understanding about mental health issues among adolescents. This handbook provides valuable insights into identifying early signs and symptoms of mental health problems through real case examples, allowing for a deeper comprehension of these issues.

Moreover, the handbook offers guidance on self-care practices to minimize stress in daily life and highlights the connection between nutrition and mental well-being. Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, RHEST intends to distribute copies of this handbook to every trained Friday facilitator.

By providing this resource, RHEST hopes to empower adolescent girls to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health issues early on, thus promoting better mental well-being in the communities.


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