Stop Girl Trafficking

Stop Girl Trafficking

In 1996, RHEST embarked on a journey to save young girls from the grips of trafficking, forced labor, slavery, and child marriage by partnering with the American Himalayan Foundation. Stop Girl Trafficking, or SGT for short, is an initiative aimed to empower vulnerable girls through the gift of education.

The program began by supporting just 54 girls, but today, it has grown to provide assistance to over 10,000 girls in grades 1-10, with over 28,000 girls having received support from RHEST thus far.

Through the provision of educational support and regular check-ins with the girls and their families, SGT serves as a beacon of hope for girls at risk by not only providing them with the tools to succeed in life, but also raising awareness about the dangers of trafficking.

Stop Girl Trafficking



Our Activities

RHEST conducts four school visits per academic year, two of which are for paying school fees and the other two are follow-up visits. During these visits, girls are provided with educational materials such as school bags, uniform, books, stationary and Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials. In addition, RHEST holds interaction sessions with students and their families on topics such as women's health, education, domestic violence, and child marriage, with participation from members of the local community.

The organization also publishes and distributes a wide range of IEC materials on trafficking, women's rights, and health and nutrition to students in grades 6-12, RHEST alumni, Friday/school facilitators, local government bodies, and schools. Friday Facilitators are responsible for leading a two hour interaction with students once a week. They provide awareness raising information to the students on human trafficking, child labor. child marriage and other social harmful practice along with support in their homework up to Grade 10. These materials include questionnaires for the girls to express their learning, awareness of risk factors, and topics of interest for future discussions, as well as letters, stories, and poems submitted by the girls and their teachers, and information about RHEST's programs.

RHEST has also established anti-trafficking advocacy groups in six districts, composed of alumni, that work with local governments to raise awareness about girl trafficking and domestic violence. Advocacy groups are groups of alumni along with other stakeholders such as CSOs, school teachers and journalists formed by RHEST in its program districts to advocate against social malpractices prevalent in the communities. Currently, there are 10 advocacy groups.  These groups raise awareness through the distribution of pamphlets and the organization of social campaigns, workshops, and interaction programs, and also assist victims and their families in filing complaints.

The organization also conducts Extra-Curricular Activities in various schools to boost students' confidence and inspire curiosity. These activities include competitions for writing essays, reciting poetry, drawing, debating, and acting in dramas, and have helped raise awareness about trafficking, child marriages, child labor, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and menstrual taboos.


RHEST continually publishes books and articles on anti-trafficking, health and nutrition, women's rights, and children's rights. Graduates of RHEST and Friday facilitators often join local alumnae groups and continue to support younger students, receiving training in management, finance, leadership, and personal development. These alumnae also mentor younger students, participate in programs to reduce dropout rates, raise awareness in communities, and identify and support at-risk girls. Around 1,800 girls are currently members of their local alumnae organization. Between quarterly visits, students are supported academically and taught life skills during Friday afternoon classes, which are taught by alumnae who have persued careers  in various sectors of government and private industry and have also taken on roles as entrepreneurs and local leaders.
